Monday 2 January 2012


This holiday has been great.

This holiday, my sister bought a purse for my cousin; lets say her name is X. She buys her stuff every holiday and gives it to her. X always collects these gift every holiday and comes back the next day with a complain.

This hols, my sister got X a denim purse. X got the purse but as usual forgot to say thank u right away. She just smiled and kept on looking at it. My sister I tell u wasn't too happy with this and made her grievance well known too me, too well if I might add.

X came to our house the next day as expected and said to my sister, 'Uzo, I like the purse you bought me, but when you're coming back next year, buy me a bag'. When my sis told me what happened, I was so furious, though we kept on laughing at her manifest ingratitude.

Am reflecting now, and it just hit me how like Anuli I am, how like Anuli most of us are. I just dint realise it, until now.

Now why would I say this? Well, you see, I'm a lucky chap. Always have been, always will be, you can ask my friends.*smug look*. Asides from very few unfortunate events in my life, I can say that I'm one of those people good things just happen to without stress. When I say good things, you are free to name it and of course you are free to doubt me but so far, I can categorically say, life has been good to me or is it the Universe or is it God?

Anyway, i have gotten so used to this unmerited fortune of mine, I barely pause to say thanks to God whom I suspect has made it so.

You see, I am not an overly religious person, but I know what should be and what shouldn't and when I hit d spiritual button, I practically drown God with my wants.

Yeah, I do. Am so ashamed to say it, but its true. Those times, my prayer would revolve around all that I want that would make my life more perfect than it already is and all that I think my family and my friends would want. My 'want prayer' could go on for minutes and run into an hour, hey, sometimes two hours ,yeah, seriously. When I get whatever I want, I just go on and ask for more and more and more.

Geez! I've been terrible. I see that now. Anuli made me see it.*sad face*

Its so difficult appreciating the source of a gift we get especially when we get gift(s) we haven't asked for.

Take a moment today and appreciate every single thing that you have that you never really asked for and then those that you have that you asked for.

Why u say? Well, let's just say, its a guarantee you'll get more.*insert big toothed grin*

You know why I say so? My sister has a kind and giving heart, and if only X had been more appreciative, she was sure to have gotten something fancier in the coming holiday. As it is, I don't think she's getting nothing. That I concluded from my sisters cunny laugh and colorful complaint moments after.

Well, I give thanks God I ain't like my sister, I'd have hit stagnant with my fine luck long time ago. But, hey God, I learnt my lesson. I really am more grateful than anyone can imagine for every little thing.

And let's hope X doesn't pay me an unannounced 'before-the-holiday' visit. That would mean a premature end to my rambings on this blog.

It's gonna be a great year. *dancing bogey.*

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