Then, there is the plan to perfect my driving. I constantly think to myself what would become of me if one day i killed someone while driving...What will become of fragile, gentle, Silky. Hmmm...Thoughts like this have kept me away from the express ways and just within the neighborhood where i can roll my car wheels at my own pace; my snail pace. This ensures that me and everyone who ventures on the road that day is safe, lol.
Then, there is the plan to be more artistic. I met a very talented celebrity palm reader cum art lover towards the end of the year who had beautiful things to say about the markings on my palms. Who knew? The reading left me blushing all day and even till now when i think of it. I have however decided to reveal more of my artistic side with the coming year as my celebrity palm reader friend express sadness at my having lost my artistic self. Not to worry AY (not the AY comedian), I will find it again.
I also have the plan of quitting my job. I feel boldly writing it down will help me come to terms with the decision made by the inner me. I want a better job and when i say better i don't just mean monetarily though of course money is a huge part of it (my palm reader mentioned i would be rich), I want something more fulfilling. can i make money off analysing music or just reviewing books/ manuscripts written by authors and aspiring writers? How much can i make? Hmm...
I plan to travel more. There is however an oncoming impediment to this plan. The first is that my darling husband might not be game since our schedules hardly ever jive and i can't have enough fun without him. The second is my job, and the third is still pending, let's hope i get to surpass all this though and have a beautiful fun filled year.
I met wonderful people last year, people whose writings left my mouth wide open. I read their work and wished i didn't jump into a Masters programme in Law, I wished i did a Masters programme in English Literature instead. There was Jennifer Emelife and Hymar David, i enjoyed their Flash on Facebook, there was Okwudilichukwu Obu, i got to know his work as i rounded off the year, there was Nnaemeka Ugwu, oh, Nnaemeka, his poetry transcended me, always, there was Chimezie Ogenna Nwodo, this guy can write ehn, still really quite shy with his writings though and there was Sibbyl White and quite a lot of others.Oh, how can I forget Walter Shakespearen Ude,fabulous writer, and very humble about his talent too. His description skill is off the hook. You know his writing by the unbelievable attention he pays to detail. He was also kind enough to find one of my notes on Facebook worthy of publishing on his website (www.mymindsnaps.com) He titled it, 'An Ode of a Star struck Nigerian'. I felt honored. So yes, my year was great. I read stories that had my brain cells tingling on edge, I heard fabulous music, I shed friends and made new friends, I met and married my darling husband (the absolute peak of the year) and called people's bluff and laughed a whole lot more.
Who says Nigerian children are not reading or evolving? My generation sure is and you can see it when they put pen to paper or do we now say fingers to keyboard? lol.
Can this year be better than last, i sure hope so.
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