Uhmm, how not to cheat on your husbands for ladies, umm, well, i say for ladies because well, i haven't started factoring in the men who are marrying themselves and of course referring to themselves as husbands.
Ok ok,before i veer off, back to my topic. Simple rules not to cheat on your husband.
1.Cut all ties with your ex(s)
2.Cut all ties with your ex(s)
3.Avoid new relationships with the guys
4.Refer to one and two above.
I'm dead serious ladies. The easiest way to cheat on your spouse is to maintain a funny relationship with your ex. You know the one where you guys want to still keep in touch and remain chummy best friends and all. News flash! Humans have not evolved to that level of nobility just yet. So don't bother sweating it.
In my very short sojourn in marriage, i am slowly learning that marriage is filled with lots of candies and kolas. Sometimes you get tossed the kolas, other times, the sweet, yummy candies. If you've made the right choice, many times you'll get the candies. But in the times when you are chewing those bitter kolas, keep your ex(s) away from the scene to avoid exacerbating matters.This is to me the golden rule. Yes, women are less prone to cheat in marriage, but still yet we do. And slowly but very certainly we are having bolder men who do not give a flying twig about your good ol' hubby. They want to plunder, they want to plunder, period. Worse off are the very cast off ex(s), who always feel they still have a claim.
Ladies, when you have shoved him off and taken your own sweet vows with your one true love, please allow him to remain in the past. Do not invite him to your wedding, do not name your first child after him (please don't do that), do not call him up, do not attempt to be unusually cordial. Just revert to acquaintance mode, if there's anything like that. For me, there is. You know i read somewhere that a Sagittarius has a life delete button in real life. Well, I am a Sagittarius through and through and I would very much like to affirm to this statement. We do have a life delete button. I'm sure certain people who have been recipients in the past can attest to this.Please structure your own delete button for your ex(s).
I am not recommending a hate spree. Nope, i will never do that. I will not ask that you give your ex the cut when there is a chance meeting, that would be rude. I will however recommend that you act and remain civil. There is no need for that private albeit promised harmless lunch. If you must speak about the weather, do so in public. Nod and smile when ex makes statements that imply he was a fool to let you go. Please do not disagree. That would bring room for further discussion. Just acquiesce and end discussions as fast as possible.
Please do not attempt to get too chummy with some new, nice,helpful, good looking male either. Look at them, appreciate and keep moving. Please do not keep looking at them, else new trouble walks in.
An ex relationship to you is a thin line, danger zone, ticking time bomb,you do not want to walk that lane. Cut him off like a surgeon would a bad leg. Move on from there and keep moving unless of course your intention is to cheat on your husband in which case of course you may have to search for another write up on the web for that topic. I'm sure someone would probably have written on this.
Umm, having said that, i hope the guys do not ask me for how not cheat on their wives. Because to that question, i would say, i will let you know when i find out.*whistling and walking away*.
Finally,yesterday was my 1 month anniversary with my lovely boo for life.I've been lost a while darling, thank God you found me and thank you for all the many candies. You've been sweet.*blushing now*
Cheers guys and once again, Happy Independence.
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