Dear Everyone,

I hope that from now on though i would make it easier for us to relate. This year has been a most tremendous one for me. If you don't know me, then you couldnt begin to guess on all the various changes. i have metamorphosed through. In these few months that i have been crass enough to abandaon you all, I have been busy making glasses and glasses of lemonades from the various lemons that life handed me. I finally feel that you may now congratulate me 'cos after all the various processing, my lemonade tastes great, all chilled in a beautiful glass cup and trust me, you love a drink from it. Please dont stare at my glass. lol...
I see the sun again and it is a beautiful one and i welcome to myself once again; my first love, "writing". Suffice it to say that i will be more present than most in the coming times.
But just to update, in the time that i have been away, i have grown into this lovely, young woman, Oh yes! young! haha! and i say that and laugh as i listen to the cool buzz of this air conditioner and smile at my beautiful glass of lemonade becos i look into the mirror and life hasnt been that tough on me, you know. Anyway, i have grown, i have learnt, i have moved around, i have shaken off baggages and i have made a new home for myself somewhere still grey even for me. Some may say, why moving unto grey areas? I say, why not? After all, the only way to demystify a sector in your life is by venturing into something different. I am venturing dears, i mean, what do i have to loose? Hmm? I have this feeling that it would be for the better and if not, there again, i would have learnt.
So tell me guys, what life changing thing has happened to you lately? What life changing event has occured for you as the year draws to an end.
I have missed writing, i have missed it so much that i had to make do with littering my room with little pieces of papers and post-its with various ideas and fun phrases. Lets hope i'm smart enough to remember it all and share it with you all.
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