I spend a lot of my time reciting in my head what i want to say to you. I guess i do this cos' i feel that somewhere deep down, i would actually get to say them all. It makes sense to me. I'm thinking to myself, Damn! you can come up with all this?, you should be a writer. You would totally rock. But then again, i can't b a writer just yet, i'm too lazy...
Yeah, the conversations i have with you in my head are too good. In them my points are accurately presented and you are sitting still in between an empty row of seats with the cinema lights on and wondering at this amazing creature and what planet she's from. I guess i'm from Venus, at least that's what that book i once read said. It told me the planet i am from and i saved it away somewhere in my brain waiting for the day when someone like you would ask or look at me in amazement wondering where i am from. Then i would put on my killer-smart-ass smile and say, "From Venus Baby".*wink*.
Anyways, back to the matter, I do a lot of Power point presentation in my head so that i remember all i want to say before you show up and befuddle me with your presence. Once the presentation is done in my head, then i wait for you to show up. No, i do not alert you that there would be a presentation, you would end up coming in late and that would mean adding other things to the slides impromptu and then the presentation would not flow easily cos' i didn't rehearse it.
So, i comport and wait, giving nothing away, until you show up of cos...and then i go, "hi dear. How was your day? What was for lunch? and after all your replies ...silence...silence...." This is the point where you say,"So what's up? How are you?" and then i introduce my presentation with, "I'm not fine..." and then you get the knowing look of "oh my! here we go...again" and that pinched smile and false interest look and i tell you everything you should have done and didn't do and when I'm exhausted, you let me put my head on your leg look up at you with a slightly opened eye and say,"that's what you did. Is it fair?" and then i sleep off, soundly. I will conclude my presentation when i wake up...I intend to conclude...for now, just let me lay here...in you lap, with your hands slightly hovering and the memory of your confused look wondering whether the presentation is over and if stroking my hair will wake me from my temporary break...