Dear Future Husband,

I hope you are smart enough to know that i say the toughest things when im a softie inside, I hope you are smart enough to take my meaningful advices cos i give good advices when the issue doesnt concern me.
Chima says to warn you that i can be difficult. Chima is my brother,you will get to know him in time. I hope you are not so wimpy that you will shy away once you perceive that i can be quite a stickler for certain things like ensuring there are no remnant soap studs on the floor after bathing or that you don't leave wet towels on the bed cos they irritate me.
There are soo many things i want you to know about me and i guess thats why i'm still single. I want to take my time and be sure that i have those teeny weeny butterflies in my tummy when you hold my hands or when you catch my eyes in one of those very rowdy parties that we will eventually be attending as a couple.
I want you to know that i always want you to hold my hand. I sometimes wonder if something is wrong with me...Is there something they call that? Am i a hand fetish? Its almost like i expect to feel a love current when you hold my hand. Mayhaps thats why i keep insisting on a guy that knows to hold my hand, always, always asides from when he is changing gears, lol. We should get an automatic car as well. That way you wouldn't have to change gears so much. My hands will always be warm enclosed in yours, not like how they feel right now as i punch these keyboard and refrain from using all my fingers 'cos they are frozen like little icicles.
I want you to know that i do good in the kitchen but do not want to feel like cooking defines my womanhood. So therefore, i wouldnt want the regular demands and authoritative requests for food like my dad does with my mum.Let's hope he doesn't see this.
Fortunately, my mum is the traditional woman and doesnt mind soo much as she feels that is what is expected of her.
I want you to be a Catholic, Ibo man because i do not want to have to adjust to a new 'Bible Believing Church', fast 40 or 100 days a year or any of those unbelievable Christian God-knows-where-the-hell from demands these churches make on we Christians. Then i want you to be Ibo cos as exposed as my mind is, and as Western as i may want to believe i am, i feel the need to connect with the man i love in my local dialect.
Dear Future husband, I do not want to be head of the family.My neck would hurt too much and God did not intend that i do that. I want you to be the head so i pray every day that your job be soo great you won't care what i earn. That's not to say i would ask you for money when i want to surprise you or buy you stuff for you birthdays or just for the heck of
I want you to love me. I know that is quite rare these days but i have never been known for wanting the easy and cheap stuff, you would get to know that eventually. I want to feel your love when you reach for my hand, when you pull my zipper up because i can't reach behind my dress to do it myself. I want to feel it burn through my cheek when you peck me, just there. I am not sure i still like being kissed on the forehead anymore. Most guys do that a lot now because of all those yada-yada they do in movies and tell all the boys our secrets and what we love. Now, any guy would just walk up to you and in 5 mins he would want to be bluberring your forehead with kisses. Hmm... Lets reserve the forehead kisses for the night time. Yes, I think i will like that...
I want soo many things. I want honesty from you before and after we tie his huge knot, I want fidelity, i want your respect, for me and for my family and i want your chest to lie on every nite when i go to bed. Kindly turn down all jobs that require you work nights. The only tolerable absence will be when you absolutely have to travel.
One other thing dearest, i wil love you like i have never loved anybody in the 2 decades and some figures of my life.
See you soon.